Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Be a More Effective Restaurant Owner in 2010

One of the biggest occupational hazards in the restaurant business
is the risk of getting so bogged down in the daily details of
running the restaurant that you lose sight of what you REALLY
should be doing.

Owners are particularly vulnerable to this as on any given day
they have loads of tasks and things to accomplish. However, are
YOU the best person to be doing all those things? Are there
items on the list that perhaps are more important to the success
of your business than others?

Here's a good question from management guru Peter Drucker that
would be good to ask yourself at least once daily -

"What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real
difference in my business?"

Asking this question should do two things. First, it should make
it evident if there's anything on your list that perhaps someone
else could do so could work on something more important.

Second, it would highlight those tasks that SHOULD be YOUR highest
priorities because they would lead to more benefits or higher
returns to your business.

The start of a new year is the perfect time to begin asking
yourself this question until you come up with specific, clear
answers and then get to work on them one at a time until each one
is completed.

Identifying and focusing on those tasks and activities that only
you can do and that will yield the greatest returns will make you
a much more effective owner and will give you a better shot at a
more successful 2010.

Taken from RestaurantOwner.com.

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